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M&O Marketing Portraits


While majority of my work at M&O Marketing is creating logos and branding for financial agents, another part is working on internal projects. Such as taking employee photos. Years before I started working for M&O Marketing, they hire a photographer to come in a take photos of the employees. As with any company, many employees have come and gone. So one of my first projects at M&O Marketing was to take updated photos of employees and take photos of new employees. However, I had to make my photos look like the photos that we already had of employees on the website. It was a challenge I was willing to take on. The follow are ones I have taken since joining M&O Marketing. 



Portrait Photography





M&O Marketing



Canon Rebel and Photoshop

MO Digital 


When I got hire to M&O Marketing, the Creative Department was just starting to take off. One part of that department is digital marketing. This is a service we offer our financial agents in order to spread their name and get them clients. Which in turn makes us money. This logo design was a challenging one. Being in Detroit, we are being influence by cars, technology, electricity, and Motown Music! The head of the Digital Marketing wanted a logo that encompassed all those themes into one logo. We went back and forth many times and finally landed on what you see below. This project is still under development.



Logo Design


Logo Design​



M&O Marketing




Mo Digital - Logo.png

M&O Logo Worksheet


After working at M&O Marketing for a couple of months, I noticed one thing many of agents have in common. They need new logos and they don't know what they want for a logo. So I create this logo worksheet to help me help them. This is just one example of how I have been innovating M&O Marketing and getting the agents more involved in their logo and branding.



Logo Design


Logo Design​



M&O Marketing




Logo Worksheet Mockup 3.jpg
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